Based on an initiative from one of our NADIC members, we wish to facilitate a roadshow taking us outside the DC bubble, visiting several US military bases for an opportunity to engage and demonstrate capabilities and expand relevant networks.
Our concept leans on participating member companies to tap into their networks and actively support us in building the right audience of guests and attendees at each stop on the road show. By creating a cross pollination between each companies’ networks we aim to create a value add for everyone joining.
NADIC would facilitate the rental cars (Suburbans) and room block rate at hotels per city/base we aim to visit. NADIC would also facilitate venue rentals at off-base locations to set up training/demo/sessions as well as coordinated evening socials.
As a participating member company we will ask for a contribution towards offsetting these venue/rental fees. Our goal is to remain within USD 3 000 per company with additional sponsorship support from Team Norway partners. Hotel/accommodation fees and air travel to/from USA is covered by each participant.
Proposed timeline: last week of March (ending the Road Show in Washington D.C. just in time for Team Norway’s Washington Defense Week (April 1-9)
The proposed Roadshow itinerary includes stops near the following locations:
Tampa, MacDill AFB, FL
Columbus / Fort Moore (prev Fort Benning), GA
Fayetteville / Fort Liberty (prev Fort Bragg), NC
Virginia Beach, VA: Norfolk Naval Base
Ft Belvoir, Ft Meade, Pentagon, Quantico (FBI/USMC)
For additional information on who we aim to engage with per location and specific dates per location, contact us at for a detailed drafted schedule.